So you want to Advertise on iFoneReviews?
Author: iPhone Reviews // Category:
Thankyou for your interest in advertising on my site
Here is some basic info:
There are going to be 3 price ranges
Banner on bottom of the page- $10 for 6 months
Icon on bottom of the sidebar- $20 for 6 months
Icon on top of the sidebar- $30 for 6 months )
Banner on top of the page- $50 for 6 months
These prices are for iTunes Gift Cards from the US. If you wish to use other payment methods, such as PayPal the prices will go up ever so slightly so enough money is transferred over to buy an iTunes Gift Card.
Basic stats is we average around 70-100 new visitors each day with about 20-30 returning visitors. The blog hits are around the same number as 20 full reviews can be seen on the first page, so there isn't much of a reason to go into the reviews unless they wish to comment.
If you are interested or have any questions feel free to ask me at
Thank you, iR
Here is some basic info:
There are going to be 3 price ranges
Banner on bottom of the page- $10 for 6 months
Icon on bottom of the sidebar- $20 for 6 months
Icon on top of the sidebar- $30 for 6 months )
Banner on top of the page- $50 for 6 months
These prices are for iTunes Gift Cards from the US. If you wish to use other payment methods, such as PayPal the prices will go up ever so slightly so enough money is transferred over to buy an iTunes Gift Card.
Basic stats is we average around 70-100 new visitors each day with about 20-30 returning visitors. The blog hits are around the same number as 20 full reviews can be seen on the first page, so there isn't much of a reason to go into the reviews unless they wish to comment.
If you are interested or have any questions feel free to ask me at
Thank you, iR